Nicolas PUIG-SW8+Ares-M PRO
Soul and Heart nebula
Massimo Di Fusco, Evostar ED80 + Poseidon-C PRO camera
Alessandro Bianconi, C14HD edge + Hyperstar V4 + Poseidon-C Pro camera
Lagoon and Trifid Nebula
Rumen Bogdanovski, ASKAR65PHQ + Poseidon-C PRO camera
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VDB 158
Andrew Burwell Poseidon-M Pro
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NGC 281
Author: Thomas LELU
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Author: Damian Peach
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Top Players 2025
Top Players 2022
Players' Experiences

Presentazione del filtro Anti-Halo PRO Dual-Band 2″ Ha+OIII di Player One Astronomy – Luca Fornaciari

Apollo-M MAX PRO Review by Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau, provide by Duoptic Telescopios Argentina.

RASA vs Quattro – Comparing results! (Could be time for a change?)

ROYAL MUSEUMS GREENWICH: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023 winners

Rich’s reivew (Deep Space Astro): Player One Uranus-C Planetary Camera Review

Luke’s review: Free Data & Brief OSC & Mono Processing Tutorial – Player One Ares-M Pro & Uranus-C Pro

Luke’s review: First light data of New Uranus-C PRO and Ares-M PRO

Luke’s review: Unboxing of new Ares-M PRO and Uranus-C PRO cooled cameras.

Luke’s review: The BEST New Duo-Narrowband Filter for OSC? Player One Anti-Halo Pro

Deep Space Astro’s review: Player One’s Poseidon-C Camera: Unboxing and First Impressions

Luke’s Review: Player One Artemis-C Pro – First Look

Stephane Gonza’s review: Phoenix Wheel 8×1.25″ setup and installation in Firecapture

Poseidon-M KIT setup tutorial

Poseidon-C KIT setup tutorial

Luke: Poseidon-C Pro first light!

Luke : Touching the SOUL with Poseidon-C camera!

Luke’s review I : Unboxing – The BEST Astro Camera Yet? – Player One Poseidon-C Pro!

Luke : Pricing/Deals/In-Depth First Look at the Player One Poseidon IMX571

Luke’s channel: OSC vs MONO? REFRACTOR vs RASA? Part 3: Pacman Nebula

Uncooled Camera vs Summer Nebula! – Player One Uranus-C in a Heatwave!

Luke: Long VS Short Exposures in Astrophotography – Part 1: Broadband Test

Damian Peach: Imaging with C14HD and Saturn-M SQR camera

APOD : 2022, 16th, July

Damian Peach: Review the new Saturn-M SQR camera

Luke : Mono VS OSC? – Refractor VS RASA?

Luke: It’s LOVE at FIRST Light! – RASA and Player One Uranus C

Run Saturn SQR camera in current Firecapture 2.7.10.

Luke : Player One Neptune-C II – Deep Sky Astrophotography with a Budget Camera?

Solution of Uranus-C camera background shift issue in current version of Firecapture

It FINALLY Happened! – New Observatory First Light with the Player One Uranus-C Cam!

THE BEST Budget Astronomy Camera? Player One URANUS – Part 1: Unboxing & Initial Tests.

Dale Hollenbaugh: Player One Astronomy Uranus-C (IMX585) camera unboxing, overview and comparison to ZWO ASI485MC

My LAST Session Before the Observatory Build and my BEST M51! – Luke Newbould

Miska Saarikko: Neptune-M (IMX178) review

Luke Newbould : Player One Apollo M-Mini Astrophotography Camera – First Look and Early Results!

Maxim: What will be got with 16″ SCT and Apollo MINI if AIM to a plane?

Lunar imaging with Apollo-M MINI, photo by Maxim

First light of Apollo-M MAX cam, photo by Simon

Behavior of dust on Apollo-M MAX camera

First light of Apollo-M MAX by Stephen W. Ramsden

First light of Apollo-M MAX by Mehmet Ergün

Solar Ha imaging and post-processing tutorial (Demonstrate with Apollo-M MAX)

Unboxing of Neptune-C II camera, by Alessandro Biasia

BosqueRico’s Review(2) : 六角形のCMOSカメラ、NEPTUNE-C II で秋の電視観望 Eng. EAA with NEPTUNE-C II Camera by PlayerOne

How to Register for purchase and Use coupon code?

Lunar images by Sean Walker, use 12.5″ f/5.1 Newt + Mars-M (IMX290)

Bosque Rico’s review – Player Oneの天体向けCMOSカメラの紹介と、電視観望や惑星撮影へのご招待 Eng. Neptune-C II CMOS Camera for EAA and Planets

Cleaning tutorial of planetary cameras

Jupiter and Saturn in 2021, by Ecleido Azevedo