How to run Ares PRO, Uranus PRO and newest cameras in Sharpcap, Firecapture or NINA?

Step1: download newest camera driver

Step2: update newest Sharpcap4.1 beta and Firecapture 2.7.12.

Step3: Replace DLL file in Sharpcap or Firecapture folder, this is a tutorial(Sharpcap will be quite similar):

Step4: Run Sharpcap and Firecapture to check if the camera works normally.

We believe newer version in near future will add support of thoes new cameras.

BTW, NINA night builds support newest cameras. If you use official version, install new ASCOM camera driver to control the camera for now. Later, all the cameras will be supported in official version.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact with us:

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