Player One Astronomy

Passive Cooling System introduction: What is PCS and is it important?

Camera sensor and PCB board just like CPU and main board of computer. It will create heat, more powerful the sensor is, the heat will be more too. When a camera is working during the day it can get much hotter than at night. The heat generated by the global shutter sensor is more than …

Passive Cooling System introduction: What is PCS and is it important? Read More »

Summer Sale 2024

Summer Sale from July 22th to August 31th. Including popular DSO cameras, solar cameras, planetary camera and guiding cameras. All our dealers will join this promotion: Official online store:

New Flagship: ZEUS cooled camera series released TODAY!

Hi Everyone, At the end of this year, we complete our cooled camera line. This is our newest and biggest format camera in 2023.ZEUS 455 series , a new flatship camera line in Player One history!! With industrial grade IMX455 sensors and our camera technology ,we believe the ZEUS series will be very competitive on …

New Flagship: ZEUS cooled camera series released TODAY! Read More »