Saturn-M SQR and Saturn-C SQR is the most powerful planetary camera in our history! Based on IMX533 BSI sensor, high image quality, high resolution and square format, non-amp-glow feature, the camera will be great for lunar, solar mosaic and DSO lucky imaging.
Saturn SQR (IMX533) cameras are developed by Player One Astronomy, SQR means its sensor is square. Saturn-M SQR camera, which adopts Sony IMX533 1” square format monochrome sensor. Saturn-C SQR camera use IMX533 color sensor. The 3.76um pixel size accommodates a well depth of 73Ke with a total of 9MP (the resolution is 3008*3008), and the diagonal is 16mm.
STARVIS Technology
Saturn SQR (IMX533) camera based on Sony STARVIS technology, it is back-illuminated pixel technology used in CMOS image sensors.
Saturn-M SQR camera has 1″ format, this size is quite big for imaging.
Extend Full well Capacity
Based on our technology, we improved the full well of Saturn-M SQR camera to 73Ke , it’s almost 1.5 times than IMX533 Basic (50ke).
High Frame rate
Based on our technology Saturn-M SQR camera can run 43FPS under RAW8 mode, that’s much faster than existing models on market.
Dual Sampling Mode
Saturn SQR series has dual sampling mode.
- Normal mode has faster fps, Normal mode is more suitable for planetary imaging.
- LRN (low readout noise) mode has lower readout noise and higher dynamic range. LRN mode is more suitable for DSO lucky imaging.
Saturn-M SQR (IMX533) camera
Product link:
Saturn-C SQR (IMX533) camera
Product link:
Dark frame of Saturn SQR (IMX533) camera is totally “dark”, that’s we called it “Non-Amp-Glow” camera!
300s dark frame of Saturn SQR camera(resize to 50%):
Non-Amp-Glow can give us very clean background, much easier to get high quaility images.
Saturn SQR camera also very good for lunar and planetary imaging, its 1″ big format and 9MP total pixels, easier to capture full disk of the Moon and the Sun, or make mosaic more efficient.
2nd Gen – Sensor Tilt Plate
When taking deepsky objects, using sensor tilt plate can get a much smaller field curvature of the telescope.
The built-in high-density sponge shading pad can block the light from the side slits without any side leakage.
Passive Cooling System
Player One add a new feature called Passive Cooling System to conduct the heat from the sensor out.
256M DDR3 Cache
Player One Astronomy cameras are the first one who adpots the DDR3 cache in all planetary cameras in the world! It helps stabilize and secure data transmission, it effectively avoids frame dropping and greatly reduces readnoise. With the DDR3 cache, the camera does not have high demands on computing needs any longer, it will still has excellent performance even if it is connected to a USB 2.0 port.
DPS technology
The planetary cameras from Player One Astronomy have DPS (Dead Pixel Suppression) technology. The DPS is anaylse many dark frames to find out thoes fixed abnormal pixel and record the map in camera memory. In imaging, each exposure frames, thoes position of dead pixels will be given a median value according to the active pixels around that abnormal pixel.