Passive Cooling System introduction: What is PCS and is it important?

Camera sensor and PCB board just like CPU and main board of computer. It will create heat, more powerful the sensor is, the heat will be more too. When a camera is working during the day it can get much hotter than at night. The heat generated by the global shutter sensor is more than rolling shutter sensor, especially with large size. So we developed a new feature called Passive Cooling System.

2.(PCS) Passive Cooling System is located inside the camera and conducts heat away from the sensor. With PCS, the camera shiled will be worm or hot than cameras without PCS. But hot shiled is not means bad, on the contrary, the heat of sensor was moved to the sheild and the sensor is more safe.

3.The PCS integrated models:

We put a temperature logo before the name to mark the cameras which has integreted PCS.

4. PCS system is a basic part of camera, if PCS work with an ACS (Active cooling system) will get much better temperature control.

The following two diagrams contain the results of using PCS and add ACS together.

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