Hello friends of the sun..

I brought you warm greetings from the sun..Wish you all a nice Sunday!Sharing is of course allowed!Many greetings to youMehmet Ergün

*****************Hello friends of the sun..

I brought you greetings from the sun..Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday!Free to share the insideRegards to youMehmet Ergün

*****************Hello friends of the sun ..

I brought you greetings from the sun..Wish you all a nice Sunday!The sharing is allowed!GreetingsMehmet Ergün



DayStar Gemini, FlatCapDaystar Filters
FRA600 SOLDIERRainbow RST-135
Player One Neptune-M IMX178Player One Astronomy
Baader D-ERFHinode Solar Guider
Software:SharpcapAS3RegistaxIMPPGPs, LR
Location: Bad Kreuznach / GermanyDate: 04/17/2021